Ovarian Cysts – Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Natural Treatment


WHAT ARE Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts are tiny sacs, filled with fluid that grow in women's ovaries. Cysts that rupture cause bleeding and pain. It is these problematic cysts that need to be treated naturally and eliminated for good. It is vital to know how the ovaries work and how cysts develop.

In general women have two ovaries. The main function of the ovaries is to generate eggs and discharge them. An ovary usually grows to the size of a walnut. An ovary is situated on either side of the uterus. A woman's monthly menstrual cycle begins when the ovary generates that single egg for the month. The egg is surrounded by a sac which is known as a follicle. The egg swells in the ovary until such time that Estrogen indicates to the uterus that it should ready itself for the egg. This begins the process where the coating of the uterus starts to coagulate and ready itself for implantation of the fertilized egg. The income of this implantation is Pregnancy. This phase transpires every month and finishes when the egg remains unfertilized. If the egg remains unfertilized all the contents of the uterus are then discharged. This phase is known as the menstrual cycle or period.

Ovarian cysts look a lot like bubbles. A cyst holds only fluid and is encircled by a fine wall. Such a cyst is known as a functional or simple cyst. Sometimes a materialle does not tear open and discharge the egg. These results in the fluid being confected which then develop into a cyst. Usually only one of the ovaries gets affected by a cyst. Cysts about one and half inch in size usually exist in a normal ovary when follicles are being produced. Dermoid Cysts grow up to 6 inches in diameter and Cystadenomas become large and may grow up to 12 inches or more in diameter.

Women of all ages are affected by Ovarian cysts but these cysts most commonly occur during the childbearing years. A woman who is menstruating and her body is producing the hormone estrogen, is more likely to develop a cyst. Postmenopausal women rarely develop ovarian cysts since they do not have menstrual periods anymore. Instead of the traditional hormonal medication which is only a temporary solution, the root cause of the cyst should be by natural methods and techniques, so that they do not re-occur.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

Generally there are no visible symptoms that may suggest of ovarian cysts. They are usually discovered during a regular physical check up or found when an ultrasound is being done. Although they do not produce any symptoms, you may though experience the following that may suggest of a cyst:

• Vaginal bleeding (spotted)
• Vaginal Pain
• Acute and sudden pelvic pain
• Sensation of pelvic pressure
• Pelvic pain post sexual intervention or post vigorous exercise
• Pelvic pain all through the menstrual period
• Irregular menstrual periods
• Severe pain in the lower abdomen
• Pain during urination or passing stools
• Nausea

CAUSES of Ovarian Cysts

Below mentioned are some of the causes or the reasons why ovarian cysts develop:

• First menstrual period occurred before the age of eleven.
• Menstrual periods are irregular.
• Imbalance in the hormones.
• Cysts have occurred previously.
Fertility issues.
• Weight gain, especially due to increase in upper body fat.


To find or diagnose whether a woman has a cyst, the below mentioned examinations or tests can be done:

• Ultrasound Imaging – An ultrasound may be performed to determine whether a woman has an ovarian cyst. Such an examination is known as an Endovaginal Ultrasound. In an endovignal ultrasound a probe is inserted into the vagina and is guided to the uterus and the ovaries. An endovaginal ultrasound helps determine whether the cyst is filled with fluid or is a mixture of fluid and solid or is totally solid.

• CT Scan and MRI – A CT scan or an MRI may be performed to determine how bad the cyst is. A CT scan and MRI provides a more detailed understanding of the cyst.

• Pregnancy Test – It is very important to determine that problem is a cyst and not an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is a situation when a fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus. Majority of the times, the egg settles in the fallopian tubes. Cysts and ectopic pregnancy have similar symptoms. Cyst treatment for a pregnant woman is not similar to the treatment given to a woman who is not pregnant.

• Test to Check Hormone Levels – Possible issues with hormone levels can be detected by doing a blood test to test testosterone levels, follicle-stimulating hormone levels (FSH) and luteinizing hormone levels (LH) to check for diseases related to ovaries and estradiol level (sex hormone) to also check for damage or diseases of the ovaries.

• Culdocentesis – Culdocentesis is a procedure that checks for abnormal fluid in the space just behind the vagina, also know as cul-de-sac. A long, thin needle is inserted through the wall of the vagina, just below the uterus. A sample of the fluid found in the space just behind the vagina is taken.

WHEN to Seek Natural Treatment for Ovarian Cysts?

A woman should immediately seek natural treatment for her cyst, if the below mentioned symptoms occur:

• Increase or fall in blood pressure but not due to medication.
• Body becomes pale due to decrease in RBC's or blood loss.
• Persistent nausea, sickness or vomiting.
• Increase in body temperature or persistent fever.
• Excessive urination and thirst.
• Irregular, heavy or abnormal periods.
• Sudden loss of weight.
• Pecular pain in the pelvic region or abdomen.
• Feeling fault, weakness and dizziness.
• Swelling of the abdomen or abnormal increase in abdominal girth.
• Visible pelvic or abdominal mass.

TREATING Ovarian Cysts

The first step to treating ovarian cysts, is to limit strenuous activity. This reduces the chances of the cyst rupturing.

Secondly, it is always advisable to treat ovarian cysts naturally instead of treating it with conventional or hormonal medications. Reason being, conventional or hormonal medications provide only temporary relief whereas natural methods, treat the root cause of the cyst and eliminate it permanently thereby preventing it from becoming abnormally large and avoiding surgery.


Source by Ds Ken

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