Pneumonia Symptoms And Treatment


If bacteria cause the pneumonia it can usually be treated with antibiotics. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics; if your pneumonia is the result of a virus antibiotics enable you to help prevent any secondary infections.

Doctors treat pneumonia in line with the type of pneumonia an individual has as well as other individual factors, such as age and general health. Bacterial pneumonia is generally treated with antibiotics. Fungal pneumonia is addressed with antifungal agents. Viral pneumonia may be treated with antiviral medicines but is much more often treated simply with recommendations of rest and plenty of fluids. Additionally, for all types of pneumonia, doctors often suggest taking over-the-counter medications to reduce fever and pain.

In the event the pneumonia is severe, or even the person affected is either early or frail they may need to be treated in hospital where antibiotics and further fluids and may be given straight into the vein (intravenously). If breathing is tough, extra oxygen may be given through a facemask. About one inch every six people with pneumonia are ill enough to need this kind of specialized care.

There's a range of bacteria which could cause disease leading to 'typical pneumonia' including Streptococcus pneumoniae which causes pneumococcal pneumonia. This is the most typical cause of pneumonia. Viruses can also be a source of infection including influenza – or flu. Disease with a bacterium and a virus can happen at the same time. A Streptococcus pneumoniae infection is normally 'secondary' to a person having flu for example. This is known as a 'secondary infection' and can slow down recovery significantly.

Typical symptoms are cough, fever, sweats, shivers, being off food, and feeling generally unwell. Headaches, and injuries are common. You always make more sputum which can become yellow / green, and is also sometimes bloodstained. You could become breathless, breathe fast, and produce a 'tight chest'. A sharp pain within the side from the chest may develop when the infection involves the pleura. (This is the membrane between your lung and the chest wall.) A doctor may hear 'crackles' within the chest when listening using a stethoscope.

Pneumonia is actually a general term for many conditions by which an infection or chemical inflames the air sacs of the lungs. They fill with liquid or pus, which disables the lungs' ability to transfer oxygen for the blood. Prior to the invention of antibiotics within the 1930s, pneumonia was a leading reason for death. Today it is extremely treatable, but remains a public medical condition. At least 100 different kinds of pneumonia exist, which range from mild to severe naturally.

During the early acute stage of pneumonia, a tea produced from fenugreek seeds will help the body to make perspiration, dispel toxicity, and shorten the period of fever. Up to four cups of the tea may be taken daily. The amount can be reduced because the condition improves. To enhance the flavor from the tea, a few drops of fresh lemon juice may be added. With this treatment, not one other food or nourishment needs to be taken, as fast and fenugreek enables the body to fix these respiratory problems in the future.

If you experience the above mentioned pneumonia symptoms , you should immediately contact your doctor for further consultation. Despite the fact that walking pneumonia will not make you bedridden, it still can be very annoying and severe.


Source by John Gruber

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