Protect Your Vision Health From The Negative Effects of Smartphone Addiction


Smartphones are an integral part of our daily lives. This cultural norm is associated with the skyrocketing use of technology in American society. Many conveniences come with the use of smartphones. They provide easy communication and they are a good source of useful information. They keep us safe, provide us with directions via GPS features that enables our friends and family to track us in case we get lost. Other conveniences include app features like doctor on demand that bring us medical services from qualified doctors via convenient access on your smartphone. There are also apps for just about everything including music, entertainment and features that help us to get directions, locate different places of interest such as restaurants, hotels and other attractions in our cities.

However, there are some disadvantages associated with the use of smartphones. According to the latest research Americans are addicted to their smartphones. For example, according to statistics, Americans are spending an alarming amount of time on their smartphones. Statistics estimate that the average amount of time we spend on your smartphones is 4.7 hours a day. Consumers also check their social media accounts from Facebook to Twitter to snapshot 17 times a day. From a statistical point of view, in a 24 hour day period of time, this means that we spend an average of about one third of the entire day on our smartphones. Eye care practitioners are expressing concern about a syndrome that they have diagnosed as smartphone addiction.

Experts are now saying that smartphone use in the United States is so excessive that it can now be diagnosed as an addiction. Therefore, what are the negative effects of smartphone addiction? Additionally, what are the effects of smartphone use on our eyes and what can we do to reduce the eye problems associated with the smartphone addiction syndrome?

Opticians are raising concerns that the excessive use of smartphones is increasing the risks for eye problems and eye conditions. A survey conducted on the excessive use of smartphones of people in their mid-twenties revealed that consumers in that age group check their smartphones 32 times a day. Eye care practitioners warn about the dangers of continual exposure over prolonged periods of time as consumers are exposed to harmful blue violet light. Overexposure to this kind of light can lead to potential damage to the light sensitive regions of the eyes located at the back of the eye in the retina.

Scientific research studies have revealed that overexposure to harmful blue violet light also has the potential to increase the risks for macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the United States. Additional side effects include eye strain associated with headaches due to excessive close up exposure to these devices. According to an optician, Andy Hepworth, the main cause of the problem is the fact that consumers are holding their devices up too close to their eyes for prolonged periods of time and this is causing them to blink less. According to eye care practitioners this is leading to eye problems related to blurry eyesight, dry eye and eye strain associate with headaches.

Statistics show that about 43% of smartphone users have complained that they are experiencing symptoms associated with anxiety and irritability when they cannot have access to their smartphones. Smartphone users have also complained about poor eyesight and eye strain accompanied by headaches after the excessive use of these devices.

Therefore, what is the solution to this problem? One of the major causes of poor eyesight is eye strain associated with too much close up exposure to computers and digital devices. Therefore, if you eliminate eye strain you can alleviate the symptoms associated with these visual habits that place strain on the visual system. The answer lies in the practice of eye relaxation techniques that release stress and tension in the eyes. The pursuit of an eye exercise program will show you eye relaxation techniques to help you to accomplish this goal. One helpful tip is to look away from your close up work at frequent intervals and focus on objects in the distance. This activity relaxes the eye muscles. You can also try to shift your focus from point to point on something other than your smartphone screen as you take breaks from staring at your digital devices. Eye care practitioners also recommend increasing the rate at which you blink your eyes. These are just some of the useful tips, eye exercises and eye relaxation techniques that you can put into practice to correct the eye problems associated with excessive smartphone use.


Source by Joel Travers King

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