Senior Health Insurance – Where Did It Go?


Once you retire and no longer receive the benefits of a group insurance plan from your employer it cannot be stressed enough how important senior health insurance is.

At one time seniors were able to rely on government help for health concerns that become almost mandatory as a person ages. Medical services such as eye exams, dental care, prescriptions, hospital care and ambulance transport are no longer all available without charges based on provincial medical insurance. Although there are still some coverage for seniors offered by provincial plans, not everything is covered.

At one time it was all so simple, however now we need to take notice and be aware of the situation regarding health care for seniors. To be part of a group insurance plan in the workplace is ideal, but in most cases when one retires,the group insurance coverage also ends. There will be millions of baby boomers retiring now and continuing into the near future, this means more medical services and needs within the senior population.

Timing Be Aware

After the age of 55, it is more difficult to get certain types of insurance, whether it be group insurance at your workplace, or health insurance from private sources that will cost more. After the age of 70 it is very difficult to find any private supplemental health insurance. As time goes by the need for supplemental health insurance becomes more important. Senior health insurance is more expensive in some situations because of the risks the insurance company consider could be involved, for example an extended illness of the insured costing many thousands of dollars, which the insurance company would have to pay, therefore such situations are considered and included in the cost of the policy. We all know that as we age our health becomes more of a concern, therefore getting adequate insurance for possible needs also becomes a concern.

By using good timing and being aware, you can have supplemental insurance that will benefit you when and if you eventually need it. Once you reach the age of retirement, the government will take care of certain medical issues, however, they are limited and supplemental insurance should be high on your list of necessities for all the coverage you may need in case of long term illness, hospital coverage and medication. In addition, you may need long-term therapy, or in home recovery care, these are what supplemental insurance will cover. Speak to an insurance broker about health insurance products that are specifically designed for the needs of seniors. Some plans are meant to take over where the plan from your employer leaves off when you retire so you avoid having a gap when you are not covered.

What you Should Consider

When preparing yourself for retirement and that much-needed extra medical and health insurance, it is a good idea to consider the following:

  • Different provinces have different plans and so you need to inform yourself on what is covered before you purchase supplemental insurance.
  • When you buy supplemental health insurance, the older you are on application, the higher the premiums will be. Once you reach the age of 70 it will be more difficult, if not impossible, to find a supplemental health insurance plan.
  • medical questionnaire and/or exam will be required to sign up for a health insurance plan. Your premium could vary depending on the state of your health.
  • You do not need to buy everything offered; you can make choices on what coverage you want.
  • You can get certain individual medical benefits insurance; or insurance that will cover a number of things such as eye health, dental insurance, hospital coverage and many other options.
  • Whichever plan you choose, you will pay a monthly premium in exchange for those benefits that you have chosen.

The Importance of Senior Health Insurance

By the time we reach the ‘seniors’ word, our bodies have been ravaged by the wars of life, and sometimes harsh results are forthcoming, these are the times when we definitely need health insurance. Supplemental health insurance is specifically for those needs, the things the government medical plan does not cover. There are special types of supplemental insurance specifically for the senior population.

Seniors health insurance is an essential commodity. Speak to an insurance specialist about your options.


Source by Johnathon Z Martin

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