Symptoms of Adult Acne


Adult acne affects 50% of women and 25% of all men at some point during their lives. It is estimated that one-third of all adults not only have facial acne but also have acne on their body as well. The symptoms of acne like redness, puffiness and scarring can be embarrassing later in life and cause low self-esteem, avoidance, and depression.

Acne can develop at any age and dermatologists are stating that they have seen an increase in adult acne due to stress, environmental factors and hormones in the last several decades. The symptoms of acne are treatable with the right information, medication and skin regimen.

There are two main types of adult acne; inflammatory and non-inflammatory. In both cases the symptoms of acne are treatable with medications and taking proper care of the infected area.

Inflammatory acne can cause disfiguring deep cysts that require prescription drugs or surgery. This type of acne is where whiteheads become inflamed and red pimples and pustules develop, which lead to pitting scars of the face, back, neck and chest.

Non-inflammatory acne is the most common form of acne where a few whiteheads and blackheads appear sporadically on the face. This type of acne can be treated with topical medications such as retinoids or antibiotics. In general, this type of acne can be treated at home without ever stepping foot into a dermatologists office.

The actual causes of adult acne are difficult to pinpoint, however, possible causes include hormonal changes, cosmetics, stress and even an increase of resistant bacteria on the skin. Women during menses, pregnancy, and even during pre and post menopausal phases of life are at a greater risk of having adult onset acne.

For women this can be life altering since many of us believe that we have moved past the adolescent stages of acne and left that in our youth. Let’s face it as women age, we are vein and want to always look our best for every occasion. Usually acne is most common around the mouth; nose and chin area or what is referred to the T-zone.

Other forms of adult acne can appear as well, like vulgaris which often appears as red scaly skin and includes both black heads and white heads. This is usually a skin problem found in youth but as an adult can be the result of several serious conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome in women or Cushing’s syndrome which can occur in both men and women.

Either way, if your skin has suddenly changed over time, it could be symptomatic of other underlying issues that could seriously harm your overall health. It is important to get the area evaluated by a medical doctor and come up with a treatment plan that will ease the symptoms of your adult acne problem.

Acne Rosacea is a chronic condition characterized by facial redness, which can also include pimples. Rosacea can be seen across the cheeks and central area of the face and could be described as almost appearing as a sun burn. It has often been described as skin that burns or stings.

This type of acne typically occurs between the ages of 30 and 60 years old. Rosacea is thought to be caused and irritated by sunlight, harsh weather, and allergies to foods. If you believe you have Rosacea, you should be evaluated by a doctor and again set up a treatment plan that is right for you.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of adult acne, it is recommended that you try to de stress your life, sleep more, eat healthier and seek medical attention to keep the appearance and symptoms of acne at bay. In short, stress causes the body to produce hormonal steroids which then cause the skin to break out.

In general dermatologists suggest that you try an over-the-counter acne medication that contains resorcinol, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Some examples of products that contain the following ingredients are: Pro Activ, Clearasil and basis soaps.

When you have inflammatory or non-inflammatory forms of acne, the initial treatment at home is the same. Do not pick or squeeze the infected area as it will inflame the acne and could worsen scarring. You should wash your face at least twice a day with your hands.

Do not use a loofah or wash cloth because the friction between cloth and sponge can cause acne to become more irritated. Try to always pat your skin dry with a towel and do not rub the skin. This is the proper way to wash your face regardless of any skin condition you may be experiencing.

If all else fails after you have used at home treatments, you should then consider making an appointment with a dermatologist to alleviate the embarrassing symptoms of acne. In most cases the dermatologist will prescribe oral antibiotics, topical creams and even hormonal medications like oral contraceptives.

While you are consulting a doctor, it will be very important to drink 8 glasses of water and to make sure you incorporate leafy greens into your diet as both with naturally improve your skins appearance over time.

If you have the embarrassing symptoms of adult acne, you are not alone. Dermatologists have seen an influx of patients with the very same problem over the last few decades. After treating the problem at home it is important that you seek medical attention, get on a treatment plan and do what you need to do to become confident in your appearance again.

You do not have to live with the embarrassment of acne, so talk to your doctor today and change your skin’s health and overall appearance.


Source by Sunil Visvambaram

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