The Most Common STD Symptoms


We all have been there in our life. We believe that we are ten feet tall and bullet proof. This is proven every time that we go out to the bar, we sit there have a few drinks and hours later are on the arms of a lovely lady. We wake up the next morning go home and go about our day. Then one of two things happen, we either get the phone call from this woman telling us we need to get checked. We get a rash or a number of other symptoms that make us think we have an STD. This makes our hookup that we had a lot more of a problem than we first thought. But how do we know without testing if we have an STD? This article is designed to give you a heads up as to whether or not you and your doctor need to have a chat. Many STD's share a common set of basic symptoms. Let's look at some of these STD symptoms in particular.

Rash, Itching, Burning

This is an extremely common occurrence among STD symptoms. The rash is usually centered around the genitals and is often accompanied by a burning itch which is unstretchable as it id under the surface of the skin. Most of the time this is a precursor to an outbreak of welts, sores or blisters.

Burning or Difficulty During Urination

Burning and difficulty in urination are both common STD symptoms. This comes from the inflammation of the urethral lining which is prevalent with most viral STD infections. This is among the STD symptoms which are indicative of most sufferers of an STD infection. The problem is that this is not only on the list of STD symptoms but is also common with many other infections especially infections of the bladder and infections of the prostate in men.

Pus or Discharge from the Vagina or Urethra

This is among the most noticeable of the common STD symptoms, and away from burning or difficulty in urination this is usually the first of the STD symptoms to be reported by the infected person. As with burning or difficult in urination, it should be noted that not all instances of Pus or Discharge from the Vagina or Urethra are indicative of STD symptoms. Pus or Discharge from the Vagina or Urethra is also a common symptom of other uro-genital infections and conditions that are not sexually transmitted disease related.

Swelling or Tenderness of the Genitals

When it comes to common STD symptoms this is perhaps the hardest one to notice. In men it is not uncommon for there to be swelling or tenderness in the penis and testicles for a wide variety of reasons, in women the genitals are not as easily indicative of swelling or tenderness. If you suspect that you may have been infected with a sexually transmitted disease based upon swelling or tenderness of the genitals, look for other common STD symptoms in conjunction with this.


Source by Christine Crotts

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