Treating Neuropathy Symptoms


The numb feet associated with diabetic and peripheral neuropathy can not be cured fully but treatments can be adopted to provide relief in the symptoms and to prevent the further development of the disease. There are 2 types of treatments. The first treatment option is to treat the pain and not worry about the long term progress of the disease. The second treatment option is to attack the disease by finding the cause and using proven nutrients to rebuild nerve strength. In addition, a few supplements are added to treat any deficiency such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacine and vitamin B6, vitamin B1 and vitamin B12.

Treating the Pain

Pain relief should be the first motto in the treatment. Pain relief can be found through prescription pain medications but this is not ideal in most situations. These drugs carry serious side effects on the body's organs and can also be habit forming. There are also topical treatments such as lidocaine and special creams that help alleviate nerve pain and numb feet.

They treat the pain by inhibiting the chemical process responsible for pain in brain and spinal. There are sveral other types of ant-depressants that have been shown to help, consult your healthcare advisor. These are not without side effects, you may experience nausea, vomiting, weakness and digestive problems. These can also be habit forming and difficult to stop taking.


Used to treat seizures, anticonvulsants are also used to treat nerve pain. These can cause further complications similar to those of antidepressants.


Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a therapy used for numb feet and pain of peripheral neuropathy. Small electrodes are places on the body and the process is near pain free. It can be quite effective for chronic pain but it will require multiple visits. Hypnosis has also been used to successfully treat nerve pain and numb feet. This may or may not be the right course for you but many hypnosis practitioners will give you a free consultation to discuss it further.

Using supplements

Proper supplementation can provide amazing relief and there is almost no concern for negative side effects. Many clinical trials have been done to pinpoint the exact vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body to rebuild nerve strength and reduce the pain. Doctors have determined that vitamins B1, B6 and B12, along with a potent anti-oxidant such as alpha-lipoic acid can provide significant relief. It is important to choose the right forms of these vitamins that will be absorbed by your body. Several clinical trials can be found at the following link:

Neuropathy Relief Clinical Studies .


Source by Gregory Gerardo H Johnson

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