Treating Stomach Flu Symptoms


Although it really has no connection to what is commonly thought of as influenza there is often no mistaking the malady properly termed viral gastroenteritis, or referred to as stomach flu. Highly contagious, stomach flu symptoms may strike adults and children of all ages, and most people report having experiencing this illness at least once or twice. Telltale signs of viral gastroenteritis include diarrhea, vomiting, and at times fever. Fever, dehydration, and the resulting physical weakness typically take a toll on sufferers, but proper and timely stomach flu treatment can alleviate some reactions and may help you to avoid some symptoms as well.

While stomach flu symptoms such as queasiness, vomiting, and diarrhea are certainly unpleasing what is genuinely troubling is the potential damage to the cells that line the small intestine. The weakened cells leak excess fluid into the contents of the intestines, and this manifests as watery stool or dirrhea. A singular occurrence of diarrhea or vomiting may be easily endured, but lingering occurrences may leave you dangerously dehydrated. The unpleasantness may begin within a few hours to two days after being exposed to viral gastroenteritis, with symptoms lasting one or two days. At worst, cases may last for as long as ten days, but anyone who experiences blood in their stool or vomits for one full day or more should reasonably seek professional advice and stomach flu treatment.

A fever may cause you to experience chills or even headaches, and the accompanying sweating may also cause you to lose more fluid as your temperature fluctuates. Adults and children alike should likely have a physician to guide treatment if pain, dehydration, or pronounced drowsiness persists. While the loss of fluids explains the resulting dehydration, producing dark urine or nearly no urine output at all are clear indicators of being dehydrated. For a baby, this will show up in the form of extended periods with a dry diaper, dry eyes or mouth, or a slightly sunken area on the forehead. Fortunately there are some easy remedies to treat mild cases of dehydration, including a variety of sports drinks for adults and replacement drinks containing electrolytes that may be beneficial for children.

The physical exhaustion from vomiting and experiencing diarrhea understandably leave sufferers feeling weak, and weakness is also due to the nutrient loss that occurs from repeated diarrhea and vomiting. Anyone experiencing feelings of excess thirst, dizziness, or lightheadedness should reasonably seek stomach flu treatment from a medical professional, as any untreated electrolyte imbalance may even affect heart health. Maintaining fluid levels and addressing stomach flu symptoms sooner rather than later may keep this common malady from creating permanent physical damage.


Source by Shawn Manaher

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