Heath And Fitness


Health is of great significance to a person since it dictates the individual's level of productivity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are three determinants of health, which include the physical environment, the social and economic environment, and a person's behavior and characteristics.For starters, physical environment influences the health of individuals in several ways. Healthy workplaces, clean air, safe water, houses, roads, and communities all are instrumental in bringing about good health. Studies have shown that workplace environment plays a critical role in molding one's health from multiple angles. It is true that employed persons are usually healthier than their unemployed counterparts; nonetheless, it has been proven that night shifts can bear adverse effects on bodily functions. On the other hand, if the work environment is noisy or stressful, workers get stressed up and find it hard to relax when they are away from work, which often brings about sleeping difficulties. Monotony of work is also not healthy for workers.

Additionally, dirty, dangerous and noisy work can bear an emotional and physical impact on workers that will lead to long-term complications. The socio-economic environment also plays a critical role in determining the health of individuals. Higher social status and income are linked to better health. This fact is so because the richer one is, the greater the access to better health facilities as one has the resources to spend on such lavish amenities. Low levels of learning are associated with lower self-confidence, more stress, and poor health. Social support networks play an integral role in determining health. Greater support from friends, communities and families often lead to better health. Family beliefs, traditions, and customs all bear and impact on health: that, the need to keep an eye on them. The third factor that effects health is a person's behavior and characteristics. Genetics plays a fundamental role in determining the chances of developing certain illnesses and lifespan in general, both of which are indicators of a person's state of health.

Personal coping skills and behavior, which includes keeping active, balanced eating, drinking, smoking, and how we tackle life's challenges and stresses all impact health. It is, therefore, critical to understand how to optimize the activities in a person's life, which involves avoiding certain habits such as substance abuse while engaging all the more in others such as physical exercise, healthy eating, etc. Studies have shown that it is quite tough to alter individual behavior. Although instances exist where a change of behavior has been completed, the debate about the amount to which health can be enhanced by targeting personal behavior is still ongoing. Many models and theories have been formulated in an attempt to give a reason for the health behaviors that are exhibited by various individuals.

One of the major problems that promoters of public health encounter is the failure of different people to follow advice on how to live healthy lifestyles. It could be because of ignorance or the belief that health is in large part determined by external factors. By increasing health education and advice, these two problems can be solved, and more people can start taking control of their lives. If such an initiative is taken, then we are likely to have a more healthy population in just a few weeks' time.


Source by Dipak Majumder

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