Seize the Herb – Miracles in Alternative Medicine With Moringa


Moringa and miracles, sweet dreams are made of these. It is said that herbs are the friends of the physician, and the pride of the healing gods. A tree with 90+nutrients, precious and celebrated in folklore, needs to be potentially tapped by millions of people struggling for the perfect discovery. This powerhouse of nutrition encapsulated with extraordinary support for the human body-mind must be fully revealed and investigated. Already it is known as a nutritional support to the poor, under nourished populations of India and Africa. Of late the herb, leaf and bark of the Moringa Oleifera tree have been researched for ultrastructural properties of work on fungus, toxins, parasites and cancers.

Trees in forests exhibit qualities that can rapidly inhibit plant fungus and insects that destroy it. They contain molecules, enzymes and peptides that are activated when facing death, threat or extinction. They are life supporting structures in forests to maintain the environment, clean out pollutants, reinforce their own cell life and accelerate self-regulatory, balancing properties for their ripe existence. Moringa is such a powerful tree.

Moringa is an essential supplement with chlorophyll, five times more than Spirulina and Wheatgrass. Chlorophyll is called the blood of the plant, and gives life to the plant cell in sunlight, accelerating growth and life. Modern scientists extract chlorophyll and use it in injections or topical ointments in conjunction with focussed light therapy. This is known as photo dynamic therapy. It is a solution to reduce and evaporate tumors or malignant cancers, even internally. In 2014, Jung IL reported a tumor suppressor activity in mammalian cells treated with cold water-soluble extract of Moringa oleifera leaves. Subsequent research has shown that ingredients in Moringa aqueous leaf inhibit the growth of lethal fast spreading cancer cells in breast and colorectal cancers of Saudi Arabian women. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), which are noncoding small RNAs regulating gene expression are possibly active after human ingestion for restoration to normalcy. Pharmaceutical management of this herb for anti cancer therapy, chemotherapy support, or even cancer prevention is a likely possibility for future alternative medicine and natural nutrition.

The power through many of its properties and ingredients to restore DNA and gene expression, makes Moringa possible for treating Alzheimer’s, systemic conditions, diabetes, asthma, skin disorders, brain disorders, anemia, arthritis, fungal and bacterial infestations.

Very interesting observation of this herb is in its use in inflammation. Experts in alternative medicine insist that inflammation is the root cause of all evils. Studies involving histological analysis of the lungs have shown that the extract reduced the number of leukocytes, cured asthma and its related allergies. The anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous Moringa leaf in medicine was confirmed using an in vivo model of acute inflammation; reduction in leukocyte migration, myeloperoxidas activity and the levels of TNF-α and IL-1β were noted. These and subsequent scientific findings clearly indicate that the herbs contribution in nutrition and health will be to support liver function, detoxification, lymphatic drainage, sugar control (eliminating weight due to low sugar tolerance), and consequently build immunity. Enzymes that support thyroid function contribute to weight loss and boosting of metabolism. Many birds are captured with one stone.

With its high amino acid profile, added with vitamins, it is a suitable vegetarian alternative to sports protein supplements. Amino acid proteins in Moringa provide the user with a good physical frame, elastic skin and refined complexion. It improves the natural glutiathone levels in the body, removing darkness, heavy metals and toxins that are deeply embedded in fat stores.

Better yet is Moringa is cheap, and available as tablets, tea or cosmetic oils.

Why delay. The time is Now. Seize the herb.

Natural wellness has the way.


Source by Malini Chaudhri

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